Blog: Overcoming Visual Analysis Paralysis

Written by Jim Blakley| October 25, 2019 (Note: This is a repost of my blog on the Intel IT Peer Network. While the theme is not edge specific, the use case – smart city video analytics – is very much an edge case. And, the request that motivated the work was in

Blog: Sharing the Video Edge

Written by Jim Blakley (@jimblakley) | April 16, 2019 (This is a repost of my Intel blog on the work at the Intel Science and Technology Center for Visual Cloud Systems at CMU and partially funded by Intel) You may recognize the images at below as Bell System photos from the

Blog: Feeling a Little Edgy

Written by Jim Blakley (@jimblakley) | March 28, 2019 (This is a repost of my Intel blog on the work at CMU on OpenRTIST and partially funded by Intel) I remember in the heady ur-cloud days of 1999 and 2000 having discussions with executives at major hosting companies like Exodus Communications*

Blog: The Loneliness of the Expert

Written by Jim Blakley (@jimblakley) | March 5, 2019 (This is a repost of my Intel blog on the work at CMU around Eureka partially sponsored by Intel). Before its ignominious demise, I was one of the few fans of the TV series “Wisdom of the Crowd”* -- mostly because of

AR need for the edge computing

I have come across an interesting example of AR developer's experience in the context of edge computing. Please see following publication of Seong-Jik Kim from KBS. On the one hand Kim has shown how capable new phones can be, on

ConnectX 2019

The Open Edge Computing Initiative was present at this year's ConnectX Expo in Orlando, FL. Initiative members Carnegie Mellon University and Crown Castle partnered with MobiledgeX to form part of the 5G Connected Community space. The video below highlights the space sponsored by Crown Castle. To the left was the